Excellent article, Craig. I'm a dating coach and we're on the same page when it comes to these myths.
Let’s start with "Just Be Yourself," which is advice we’d love to give a friend or client, but if they’re self-loathing, have anger issues or bitterness coming out of every pore, then it’s advice that will do a disservice and perpetuate the problem.
I got married for the first time at 51, and it was a combo of right time, right place, right person AND being in the right mind. Mindset is everything.
I’m of the belief that you can find love while finding yourself, but it takes effort and self-examination. Facing the truth is hard; growth can be painful; taking it on will ultimately make you a better person though and get you closer to your goals.
And we all know that the better you become as a person, the better you will attract.
You have a great attitude and insights Craig, wishing you all the best.